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Zakat Network Survey
Thanks for using Zakat Network! We value your feedback and would appreciate it if you take a moment to share thoughts on your experience with our platform.
Optional Survey Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone #:
I Require A Follow Up Regarding My Feedback
Survey Information:
1. How Satisfied Are You With Zakat Network? (1 - Very Dissatisfied, 2 - Dissatisfied, 3 - Neutral, 4 - Satisfied, 5 - Very Satisfied)
(Please Rate Satisfaction)
1 Stars - *
2 Stars - * *
3 Stars - * * *
4 Stars - * * * *
5 Stars - * * * * *
2. How Likely Are You To Recommend Zakat Network To Others? (1 - Very Unlikely, 2 - Unlikely, 3 - Neutral, 4 - Likely, 5 - Very Likely)
(Please Rate Recommendation)
1 Stars - *
2 Stars - * *
3 Stars - * * *
4 Stars - * * * *
5 Stars - * * * * *
3. Please Rate Your Overall Experience With Zakat Network? (1 - Very Poor, 2 - Poor, 3 - Neutral, 4 - Positive, 5 - Very Positive)
(Please Rate Experience)
1 Stars - *
2 Stars - * *
3 Stars - * * *
4 Stars - * * * *
5 Stars - * * * * *
4. What Did You Like Most About Zakat Network? (Check all that apply)
User-Friendly Interface
Speed and Performance
Zakat Distribution Process
Information and Resources
Customer Support
Other (Please specify):
5. What Aspects Of Zakat Network Do You Think Can Be Improved? (Check all that apply)
User Interface
Account Management
Fund Distribution Process
Customer Support
Other (Please specify):
6. Please Provide More Details Or Suggestions For Improvement (or N/A for none):
7. Do You Have Any Additional Comments Or Feedback For Us (or N/A for none)?